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Good looking teeth are important for your appearance

According to a survey in Germany, over 91 percent of the population consider good-looking teeth either important or very important for their personal appearance (source: Institut Bengerno/RatGeberZentrale). Teeth play a significant part in general facial aesthetics. People with healthy, natural looking teeth exude confidence and vitality. They find themselves more at ease in social situations and often experience a more positive reaction from others. For the best possible aesthetics and biocompatibility, all-ceramic dental prostheses are today’s first choice.

But tooth defects also need to be repaired for health reasons and not just for aesthetic reasons. If gaps between teeth are not closed, the remaining teeth loosen and start tilting towards the gaps. And, in time, the opposing teeth will also suffer and begin to lose their stability.

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Perfect tooth aesthetics is a multifaceted field:

“White aesthetics” (teeth) involve making sure that a tooth is natural looking in shape and colour. Ideally, a restoration can hardly be distinguished from a natural tooth. In many cases, a skilled and experienced dental technician can even produce a restoration that looks better than the original. For example it is possible to use veneers to bring back the radiance to a patient’s smile if their teeth have spaces or are discoloured, crooked or chipped. Modern dental ceramics has made some excellent materials available. In the majority of cases, these are recommended as the best choice. They are translucent like natural teeth and are so tough and long lasting that they will put real power back into your bite! Because no metal is used, all-ceramic dental restorations do not cause gum discolouration. All-ceramics give you natural looking whiteness and great looking teeth.

“Red aesthetics” (gums) means maintaining the natural beauty of healthy gums. Healthy gums are pink, firm and tightly wrapped around the necks of the teeth. If the gums become diseased or inflamed, the colour changes to dark red. Diseased gums bleed easily and can produce an unpleasant odour. As gum disease progresses, puffiness around the tooth necks can occur and the gums can recede (periodontitis). Eventually, due to insufficient support and nourishment from the surrounding tissue, teeth can become loose and even fall out.

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In many cases, tooth restoration involves more than just dealing with the teeth themselves. Gums, too, often need to be restored because gum tissue has shrunk due to missing teeth. This is done using pink coloured material that fills the gap between the white (tooth) part of the restoration and the remaining natural gum. The gum restoration can hardly be distinguished from real gum tissue. A dental technician needs extensive experience and a great deal of skill to be able to expertly mould and correctly form an artificial gum.

All-ceramic dental restorations can also add to the fresh vitality and healthy pink appearance of gum tissue. Light entering all-ceramic restorations is refracted through the ceramic layers and passes into the gum tissue. This makes the gums look vital and healthy, just as they do with natural teeth. With the right attention to “red aesthetics”, you will be sure to keep your healthy, natural look.

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