With all-ceramic crowns and partial crowns your teeth will regain their natural beauty
Smile and laugh with complete confidence. All-ceramic dental restorations give you natural looking whiteness and great looking teeth.
Crowns and partial crowns made in our dental laboratory will give your teeth back their unique natural beauty. A partial crown covers around 75 percent of the tooth, whereas a full crown is fitted over the entire (previously ground down) tooth.
The materials used have the highest level of biocompatibility, with outstanding white aesthetics and perfect red aesthetics. Your restoration will not only meet the very highest aesthetic standards, but, because it is metal-free, it will also not cause gum discolouration. What’s more, light entering all-ceramic teeth is transmitted to the surrounding gum tissue. This makes your gums look fresh and vital, and gives them the same healthy pink colour they have with natural teeth.
BEFORE: The appearance of metal crowns and partial crowns is considerably less than optimal. (Photo: Degudent)
AFTER: All-ceramic crowns and partial crowns blend in perfectly with the treated teeth, and with the surrounding teeth. (Photo: Degudent)